Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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  • Urban mobility - 03.10.2014

    Take the EU Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award for a chance to win €10.000
    The 3rd annual edition of the EU’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Award recognises outstanding work being carried out by cities and local authorities across Europe to meet the transport needs of their communities in an effective and sustainable way. The winner will be awarded with €10.000.

    For further information on how to apply, consult the Do the right mix website or send an email to
    The closing date to participate is 3 November 2014.
  • European Green Capital - 25.07.2014

    Will your city be the European Green capital 2017?
    The European Green Capital Award rewards every year cities making remarkable efforts in favour of a more sustainable urbanisation. After entitling Ljubljana in 2016, the European Commission is now looking for the perfect candidate for the next edition. If your city is is leading the way in environmentally friendly urban living, do not hesitate to apply before 20 October.
    Get more information about the application process and useful tips by participating in the workshop organised by the European Commission on 5 September 2014 in Brussels.
  • Urban mobility - 01.07.2014

    Paris inaugurates bike renting schemes for children
    The P'tit Vélib program aims at familiarising children with environmentally friendly transportation. It was developed after Paris officials discovered that almost 50% of Parisian children learn to cycle outside of the city. There are currently 300 bikes for children located at five green and pedestrianised spaces across the city.

    “P'tit Vélib'” was launched on 18 June by Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and co-president of our global organisation, UCLG. Get further information on the the Paris City Hall's website (in French).
  • European Green Capital - 30.06.2014

    And the 2016 European Green capital will be …
    Ljubljana won the European green capital award on 24 June. The Slovenian capital was rewarded for its efforts made in favour of more sustainable cities. The jury – members of the EU institutions, ICLEI or the Covenant of Mayors among others – praised the city’s commitment to sustainable urban development through its “Vision 2025” programme. It also acknowledged Ljubljana's efforts to raise citizens’ awareness about environmental issues.
  • Urban mobility - 15.05.2014

    CEMR’s opinion on the European Commission’s urban mobility plan
    Did you know that chronic traffic congestion in cities is estimated to cost around €80 billion annually? This is why the European Commission intends to reinforce its supporting measures to local government to elaborate local mobility plans, without adding further legislation. In an opinion paper we welcome the Commission’s initiative to recognise functional areas for local government, including urban and rural linkages. 
  • Climate change - 12.02.2014

    Conclusion of the campaign « A World you like. With a climate you like »
    Launched by the European commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard, this campaign allowed to create an exchange platform on climate, mainly for achieve the EU’s objective of an 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. 
    The CEMR, deeply committed to the fight against climate change, took part to this campaign along with 320 other participating organisations.
    To round off this initiative, a report has been published by the Commission.
  • Transport - 09.12.2013

    European Environmental Agency report presents a comprehensive analysis of transport's effect on the environment in the EU
    Many cities are applying innovative ideas which will make the car-based transport system seem like an idea belonging to the last century. City life does not have to mean polluted air, congestion, noise and long travelling times. It is in these words that the executive director of the European Environmental Agency, Hans Bruyninckx, introduces the new analysis on the effects of transport on the environment in the European Union.

    The reports underlines new ideas and innovative measures implemented by cities that reduce noise and air pollution linked to traffic, promote public transport and non-motorised modes of transport, and encourage changes in behaviour at the local level.

    The full report is available in English.

  • Sustainable development - 22.11.2013

    Urban and Regional Planning Awards calls for entries 2013-2014
    Has your municipality made an outstanding contribution to the quality of life in your region? Participate in the European Urban and Regional Planning Awards, a competition recognising planning strategies or developments that improve quality of life. Municipalities are eligible to participate. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2014.
  • World Habitat Day - 30.09.2013

    This year the UN raises the question of urban mobility
    The UN has designated this year’s World Habitat Day to urban mobility and encourages local and regional authorities to develop more sustainable modes of transport. Mobility and access to goods and services are essential for our municipalities and regions to function well. Moreover, we all have the right to adequate shelter and we all play an important role in the future of those around us. This year World Habitat Day will be celebrated on 7 October.
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