Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Climate and energy transition

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  • COP22 - 16.11.2016

    How to finance local actions: Get the answers during our event on 17 November
    Most of the investments to implement climate actions will be undertaken by towns and regions, but they often lack the necessary financial means.  
    On 17 November, CEMR, PLATFORMA and further partners including UCLG, are organising a session to discuss opportunities for funding for local government while involving other stakeholders (civil society, research, etc.).
    Follow the event live online from 16h45 to 18h15 (Brussels time 17h45-19h15).
    Speakers will include:
    • Mohammed Sadiki, Mayor of Rabat
    • Wael Hmaidan, Director of CAN-International Secretariat
    • Claire Charbit, Deputy Head of the Regional Development Policy Division of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD
    • Pierre Ducret, I4CE President and Special Advisor for climate change, Caisse des Dépôts Group
    • André Pouilles, Directeur du Département des Appuis Transversaux, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
    • Frédéric Vallier, CEMR secretary general
  • European Green Capital - 11.10.2016

    Good Practices in sustainable urban planning: new report
    With climate change’s consequences becoming increasingly present in the media and current events; towns and cities are becoming more aware of the need for sustainable urban policies.

    It’s one thing to see the policy on paper, but what does it look like on the ground? European Green Capital and European Green Leaf have published their Good Practices report, with a great number of examples from European cities implementing sustainable urban planning.

    From energy coaching to tap water promotion, find inspiration from great sustainable urban planning projects all around Europe here.
  • C40 - 09.08.2016

    ​Anne Hidalgo elected as new President of the largest network of the world’s megacities
    The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, was elected new president of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Groupon on Monday 8 August. The C40 gathers 83 of the world’s biggest cities committed to addressing climate change. She will hold this position for three years.  

    Anne Hidalgo, who is also president of UCLG Standing committee on gender equality, will be the first woman chair of this organisation.  
  • COP22 - 03.08.2016

    Ambitious targets, local solutions - CEMR responds to Global Climate Action Agenda consultation
    We want concrete and ambitious targets to fight climate change and protect the environment. The best way to do so is by listening and giving flexibility to towns and regions.

    That’s the essence of the response CEMR and PLATFORMA have sent to the consultation led by UNFCCC on the global roadmap for the Global Climate Action Agenda, ahead of COP22 in Marrakesh.

    COP21 was a success for towns, regions and the climate – we want COP22 to follow the same path.

    You can find the full response here.
  • European Green Capital - 30.06.2016

    A workshop full of great tips for candidate cities
    The European Commission is holding a workshop on Friday 1 July for cities interested in applying for the 2019 European Green Capital Award.

    This workshop will give an overview of the competition, the dos and don’ts of applying, and advice from previous and current winners. It will take place at the European Commission in Brussels, and will also be webstreamed.

    The European Green Capital Award is given to the cities that set the highest standards in environmentally-friendly sustainable urban development.

    For further information and to register, please click here.
  • ​Energy Efficiency - 15.03.2016

    CEMR put forward several key messages to ensure the revision of EU directives
    CEMR attended the high-level stakeholder event organised by the Commission on 14 March. The aim of the event was to discuss the future of two EU directives that are at the core of the Energy Union Strategy, and which are now in the process of being revised: the directive on energy efficiency (EED) and the directive on energy performance on buildings (EPBD).

    On this occasion, CEMR put forward several messages to ensure the right revision of each directive, including: 
    • To maintain a high ambition at EU level to reach energy efficiency; 
    • To involve local and regional governments in all the reviews of the directives and at the early stage; 
    • To allow for flexibility in reaching energy efficiency and performance in buildings; 
    • To assisting towns and regions with the appropriate financial and governance means  
  • ​Circular economy - 26.02.2016

    "Towns and regions should be consulted", says MEP Simona Bonafe's cabinet member
    It is important to take into account the vision of local and regional governments in the transition towards a circular economy. This is in short what Marco Leonardi, assistant to MEP Simona Bonafe - rapporteur of the waste package reports - highlighted at a CEMR expert group meeting on waste management, on 25 February 2016.

    The meeting constituted a platform for exchange of views with EU officials that will serve to enrich CEMR's position paper to be published in the coming weeks.
  • ​Sustainable energy week - 15.02.2016

    Organise an "Energy day" in your town or region
    The European Commission invites you to become an Energy day’s organiser during the Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), to be held from 13 to 16 June 2016. 

    Workshops, competitions, online events, open door days, or any other event you decide to organise should put forward local projects promoting secure, clean and efficient energy.

  • ​Covenant of Mayors Africa - 11.02.2016

    Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa: first step
    In order to implement the Covenant of Mayors in sub-Saharan Africa, CEMR is looking for pilot towns and cities to develop local energy policies, based on the the principles of the Covenant.

    To this aim, CEMR is organising a set of workshops in four African countries: Kenya, South Africa, Senegal and Cabo Verde. A first stop will take place in Cape Town (South Africa) on Friday 12 February.

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