Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Climate and energy transition

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  • Consultation - 20.11.2020

    How can Europe maximise energy efficiency by 2030?
    The European Union is preparing to reform its Energy Efficiency Directive, a major law stipulating how to reduce energy waste. The legislation has great implications for the construction and refurbishing of buildings, and public authorities’ responsibilities in this area. The reform aims to accelerate the achievement of the EU’s 2030 energy efficiency targets and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by that year.

    With the launch of a public consultation on energy efficiency, the European Commission wants to hear the views of municipalities, regions and their associations on how to improve this legislation. The EU wants to hear about your experiences and proposals! So do not hesitate to get involved. The consultation’s online questionnaire will be available in all official EU languages. You have until 9 February 2021 to reply.
  • Green finance - 29.10.2020

    ​A global guide to climate finance
    Climate Chance, an association promoting the role of local government and civil society in fighting climate change, has just published the third edition of its Global Synthesis Report on Climate Finance. The report analyses recent trends on climate finance with numerous charts and figures, including the expansion of green bonds and Europe’s leading position.

    Discover the full report and the four-page summary for decisionmakers.
  • Green Leaf and Green Capital - 09.10.2020

    Grenoble, Lappeenranta and Gabrovo win European green city awards
    The beautiful city of Grenoble will be Europe’s Green Capital for 2022. The French Alpine city won the award thanks to its ambitious climate and energy policies: carbon emissions will be reduced by 50% by 2030 and 100% of households’ energy needs will be provided by renewables by 2022.

    The cities of Lappeenranta (Finland) and Gabrovo (Bulgaria) won the 2021 European Green Leaf Award for 2021, which is given to cities with less than 100,000 inhabitants. Lappeenranta aims to become climate-neutral by 2030, while Gabrovo has made great gains increasing energy efficiency and use of clean technologies. By recognising cities’ environmental efforts, the awards give them visibility and a boost to their territorial attractiveness.
  • Have your say - 20.08.2020

    How can the EU's energy rules contribute to a low-carbon future?
    The European Commission is reviewing the EU’s rules on energy efficiency and renewable energies. The goal: to see what reforms to this legislation could contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 55% by 2030. From refurbishing buildings to the transformation of local power supplies, these rules naturally have a significant impact on towns and regions.

    Municipalities, regions and their associations have until 21 September 2020 to share their views. You can answer the consultations on energy efficiency and/or renewable energies via the Commission’s website.
  • Consultation - 30.07.2020

    How can we decarbonise European transport?
    As part of the Green Deal, the European Union wants to reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050. But how should Europe go about achieving this?

    Local and regional governments and their associations are encouraged to send in their suggestions to the European Commission. Indeed, the EU’s executive intends to adopt a strategy to meet this target and ensure that the European transport sector is fit for a clean, digital and modern economy.

    Objectives include: increasing the uptake of zero-emission vehicles, making sustainable alternative solutions available to the public and businesses, supporting digitalisation and automation, and improving connectivity and access.

    Please click here for more information and to submit your suggestions. You have until 10 August to respond.
  • Competition - 28.05.2020

    Launch of the European green cities awards
    The European Commission has launched the 2023 European Green Capital (EGCA 2023) and the 2022 European Green Leaf (EGLA 2022) Awards, recognising cities that are genuinely committed to becoming more sustainable. Winners will receive prizes worth €600,000 and €200,000 respectively, as well gain international visibility and acces to a network of previous finalist and winning cities.

    To find out more and submit your candidacy, check out the green city awards' announcement press release and website. You have until 28 October 2020 to apply. Good luck!
  • Environment - 26.08.2019

    Save the date: Join the “Greener cities, Greener Europe” conference on 7 October
    What are citizens’ perspectives regarding environmental urban policies? How can the Urban Agenda for the EU help make your city greener? Join policymakers, local leaders, and experts at the “Greener cities, Greener Europe” conference on 7 October in Brussels to help answer this question.
  • Energy transition - 03.06.2019

    Find funding opportunities at the Energy Info Days
    Interested in funding opportunities for research, innovation and market uptake projects on clean energy? Then come to the Horizon 2020 Energy info days, taking place from 25 to 27 June in Brussels.
  • Energy transition - 27.05.2019

    Shaping Europe’s energy future: policy solutions for a carbon-free EU
    As you may know, EU Member states are required to elaborate and submit National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. We believe local governments should be involved in this process. That’s why we’re organising a debate on this issue with EUROCITIES and Carbon Market Watch in Brussels on 18 June.
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