Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • Town twinning - 23.12.2013

    Turkey is calling for applications from those interested in helping to implement the EU acquis
    Is your city or region looking for a twinning partner in Turkey? If so, take a look at the following call. EU local and regional governments are invited to join a town twinning programme that aims to contribute to the establishment of partnerships with Turkish provinces. The intention behind it is to exchange experience regarding the implementation of the EU acquis at the local level through various themes.

    Deadline for application: 13 January 2014
  • Council of Europe - 20.12.2013

    Congress President’s congratulation to newly elected President of the CEMR
    "I warmly congratulate you on your unanimous election as President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions", said president of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (Council of Europe), Herwig van Staa, in a letter addressed to Annemarie Jorritsma on 19 December. He underlined the common priorities and goals shared by both organisations and stressed the Congress will pursue a close co-operation with CEMR. "We are both working to defend and advance local and regional democracy in Europe and to strengthen partnerships and political dialogue between national, regional and local authorities and their national associations. I have no doubt our organisations will continue this work under your mandate with a close and fruitful collaboration", he added. Mrs Jorritsma was elected President of the CEMR on December 2013 for a three-year term of office. 
  • Climate change - 19.12.2013

    Questions & answers to better understand the international negotiations on climate change
    What is climate change? What have national governments done so far and what is the next step? What is at stake for local and regional governments and how do they organise themselves? What does CEMR do?

    You can find the answers to these questions within the two papers on international climate negotiations that our Policy Officer for International Cooperation, Maxime Ramon, has produced :
    Enjoy the reading!
  • Transport - 09.12.2013

    European Environmental Agency report presents a comprehensive analysis of transport's effect on the environment in the EU
    Many cities are applying innovative ideas which will make the car-based transport system seem like an idea belonging to the last century. City life does not have to mean polluted air, congestion, noise and long travelling times. It is in these words that the executive director of the European Environmental Agency, Hans Bruyninckx, introduces the new analysis on the effects of transport on the environment in the European Union.

    The reports underlines new ideas and innovative measures implemented by cities that reduce noise and air pollution linked to traffic, promote public transport and non-motorised modes of transport, and encourage changes in behaviour at the local level.

    The full report is available in English.

  • UN-Habitat - 05.12.2013

    UN-Habitat publishes study on the state of European cities in transition
    The State of European Cities in Transition 2013: Taking stock of 20 years of reform” analyses issues affecting the 23 post-socialist European countries (Baltic countries, Balkans, Caucasus, etc.). This study covers several thematic domains, including tendencies toward urban growth, migratory processes, housing, and social and environmental affairs.

    Executive summary in English
    Full report in English
  • Mayors challenge - 03.12.2013

    The city of Charleroi calls its citizens for participation in the “Mayors Challenge”
    The city of Charleroi (Belgium) launches a call for participation to its inhabitants through its website. People with innovative ideas will be allowed to summit their proposals before 31 December 2013 via an online form.

    In January 2014, a jury will select the idea that will officially represent the city within the "Mayors Challenges"*.

    The full list of participants.

    *The competition is an initiative of Bloomberg Philanthropies. It aims to promote innovative ideas and to highlight and fund promising projects proposed by European cities. The first place winner will receive 5 million euros and the four finalists will receive one million each. European cities and municipalities with at least 100 000 inhabitants are eligible to participate.

  • Sustainable Development - 02.12.2013

    ​You can still support the campaign for a post-2015 Agenda that includes sustainable urbanisation as an objective.
    About 30 municipalities and regions and their associations in Europe have already supported our campaign to have one of the future sustainable development goals dedicated to urban development, cities and regions in the UN post-2015 Agenda. Over 100 local and regional governments from other regions in the world have also endorsed this initiative. 

    You can still take part in this campaign by signing the form and sending it to

    Want to know who has already signed and what progress we have made in this campaign? Check the website and follow the conversation on Twitter through #UrbanSDG. 
  • Cities RFSC - 28.11.2013

    Video of the seminar 'Towards a European model of sustainable city' during the Open Days, 9 October 2013
    Did you miss the RFSC conference held during the Open Days in Brussels? You can now view messages from key stakeholders: European Commissioner for Regional and Urban policy Johannes Hahn, as well as several mayors and sustainability experts from all across Europe. European cities are invited to use RFSC, a free online tool to aid cities to develop  local strategies.

    Numerous testimonies demonstrate the importance of implementing local strategies and policies that take into account sustainable urban development and integration of economic, environmental and social aspects. For example, developing a public transport system that takes the environment and the integration of disadvantaged populations into account.
  • UCLG - 28.11.2013

    UCLG publishes overview of World Summit: Rabat in numbers
    Following its 4th World Summit in Rabat from 1-4 October 2013, our world organisation United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) has published an overview of the events in Rabat. The publication, “Rabat in numbers”, features an overview of media coverage and the impact that the Congress had on social media. It also gathers speakers’ contributions concerning local democracy, and highlights participants’ reactions to the event. It is available in English.  
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