Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Local and regional governments as service providers

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  • ​TTIP - 29.05.2015

    First victory at the European Parliament for the protection of public services
    The parliamentary Committee on International trade has adopted on 28 May the draft report containing recommendations to the European Commission for the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). During that session MEPs voted unanimously an amendment submitted by CEMR, requesting the exclusion of services of general interest from liberalisation and defending the right for local government to freely organise and provide public services.

    The report willl be voted on Wednesday 10 June during a plenary session at the European Parliament.
  • Digital Single Market - 07.05.2015

    The European Commission adopts an action plan to embrace the digital revolution
    The Digital Single Market for Europe aims to open up opportunities for people and businesses in the area of Internet and digital technologies. 

    Launched on Wednesday 6 May, the new strategy sets out 16 key actions under 3 pillars which the Commission will deliver by the end of 2016:
    • Better access for consumers and businesses to digital goods and services across Europe
    • Creating the right conditions and a level playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish
    • Maximising the growth potential of the digital economy
  • COSLA Excellence Awards - 26.03.2014

    Discover the winning local and regional governments 2014!
    Every year, our Scottish association COSLA rewards the best initiatives in the domain of service provision. Among the laureates of the Awards are Glasgow City, the municipalities of Perth and Kinross or the Highland Council.

    These awards honour and give visibility to initiatives undertaken by Scottish local and regional authorities that improve their citizens’ living conditions in several domains, such as “Service innovation and improvement”, “Strong and sustainable communities” or “Securing a workforce for the Future”.

    Read the press release of the 2014 COSLA Excellence Awards. See all the pictures and videos of this event.
  • De minimis state aid - 30.06.2013

    CEMR call for less bureaucracy for small scale financial aid
    The current rules require local government to check that the beneficiary is not receiving more than €200,000 in state aid over 3 years. As expressed in our earlier position, we stress the need to raise this threshold to €500,000. Such low levels of aid spread out over three years do not pose an unacceptable threat to fair competition in the internal market, but allow important local projects to be supported by public funds.

    CEMR's full position on de minimis state aid
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