Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • Peer learning - 08.04.2022

    Apply for the Covenant of Mayors peer learning programme: deadline extended to 15 April!
    Cities and towns have until 15 April 2022 to apply for the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy's peer learning programme. The programme offers Covenant of Mayors signatories across Europe the opportunity to increase their capacity and knowledge on climate and energy challenges through peer discussions tailored to their needs.
    In 2021, the Covenant Office supported 45 cities, 6 coordinators, and 4 energy agencies. This year, the Covenant of Mayors offers four programmes to respond to local needs: twinning, expert missions, peer review and technical assistance.
    Find out more
    Peer Learning Programme 2022/2023
    Recording of the info session
    Selection criteria
  • Report - 22.03.2022

    Report : EU Dialogue, Local Solutions
    Do you want to know more about the work of municipalities and local trade unions? Here is the final report of the EPSU-CEMR joint project “EU Dialogue, Local Solutions” that concluded with a final online event on 25 March. The project focused on the share of good practice examples among members regarding the implementation of three sets on EU guidelines agreed over the years by CEMR and EPSU: on gender equality, third-party violence and harassment, migration and anti-discrimination.
    This project showed there exists a variety of initiatives implemented by local and national affiliates, and the joint action of local and regional governments together with trade unions is crucial to implement far-reaching actions on many different policy areas, while ensuring better working conditions for the LRGs workforce. Find the project's final report here.
  • Ukraine - 17.03.2022

    Joint Call of European Mayors
    On the initiative of the mayor of Gdansk, who is also CEMR's executive president, 100 mayors of European cities launch a joint call to European governments and the European Commission. They ask them to increase their efforts to end the war against Ukraine.
    They call on the mayors of European cities to join their call by filling in this form.
  • Housing - 04.03.2022

    Europe’s Housing Crisis calls for a clear EU commitment
    On 1 March, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, together with Housing Europe, Eurocities, the International Union of Tenants, FEANTSA, and Confrontations Europe signed a declaration including a 10-point plan to call for a clear commitment to boost public investment from the EU and European Housing Ministers.

    The declaration sets the ground for the informal conference of EU Ministers responsible for Housing that will take place in Nice on March 8th. This is a call to end unacceptable levels of rising housing exclusion, and make access to decent and affordable housing for all.

    The 10-point plan is declined under three main categories: a long-term investment in social, cooperative and public housing; a fair energy transition that makes green citizenship a reality for all, and more inclusive and attractive Next-Generation neighbourhoods.
  • EU dialogue, local solutions - 03.03.2022

    EPSU – CEMR Project “EU dialogue, local solutions” 3rd national workshop
    Social partners, members of CEMR and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) gathered on 25 February during the workshop “Migration and inclusion guidelines: Spanish and Italian actions”. This third webinar focused on strategies from both countries, underlining the importance of providing key public services to migrants but also by promoting inclusion. In the moments we are experiencing, it is important to hold up to the values we stand for.
    Malin Looberger concluded by highlighting that it was a privilege to share experiences and knowledge to be able to work on long term solutions that take into consideration the needs of both migrants and LRGs workers.
  • G7 - 02.03.2022

    Urban alliance formed to support German G7 Presidency
    The Association of German Cities (DST, a CEMR member), ICLEI and the Global Parliament of Mayors have launched an urban alliance to accompany the German G7 Presidency. The alliance will support the G7 Presidency programme and provide urban perspectives throughout.

    The German G7 Presidency began at the beginning of 2022 and will culminate with the G7 summit on 26-28 June in Schloss Elmau (Bavaria). For more information on the urban alliance, please consult the press releases of ICLEI (in English) and DST (in German).
  • European Bauhaus - 22.02.2022

    Win a prize for your sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive projects
    Do you have a finished project or a new concept for local solutions that are aesthetic, sustainable and inclusive? If so, be sure to apply for the New European Bauhaus Prize 2022 before 28 February 2022 at 19:00 CET.

    This prize, which is open to local and regional governments, rewards excellent projects completed within the last two years, as well as concepts or ideas from young talents aged 30 or less.

    These projects and concepts can enter in the following categories::
    • Reconnecting with nature
    • Regaining a sense of belonging
    • Prioritising the places and people that need it most
    • Shaping circular industrial ecosystems and supporting life-cycle thinking

    Winning projects will receive up to €30,000, while concepts can win up to €15,000.

    For more information, check out the guide for applications, available in English as well as other official EU languages on the New European Bauhaus website.
  • Call for contractor - 09.02.2022

    CoM SSA is looking for a contractor to organise events and to work on two studies
    The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is looking for a contractor to provide support in the organisation of capacity building and advocacy events and the coordination and editorial of two project publications:

    - Local Climate Action Advocacy in Sub-Saharan Africa
    - Capacity-building for Local Government Associations: lessons learned

    The bids, and any other communication related to the tender, shall be sent to the e-mail address with COMSSA in the subject. Interested consultants shall submit their bids no later than by 22 February 2022 – 12h00.

    Check the full Terms of Reference.
  • Green Capital - 11.01.2022

    Grenoble was chosen to be the European Green Capital 2022
    Grenoble was chosen by the European Commission to be the European Green Capital of the year 2022. Since 2010 and every year, this prestigious title rewards cities strongly committed to transitions and pioneers of an environmentally-friendly urban ecosystem.

    The official launch of this European Green Capital year, which is organised by the City of Grenoble and the European Commission, in partnership with the Département de l'Isère and Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, and with the support of the French government, will take place on Saturday 15th January.

    Access the event page here:
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