Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • PLATFORMA - 11.07.2016

    Local expertise, Urban Agenda, sustainable development: PLATFORMA's newsletter is online
    Read all about these issues and more in the latest edition of PLATFORMA’s newsletter - available in English and French.
  • European Green Capital - 30.06.2016

    A workshop full of great tips for candidate cities
    The European Commission is holding a workshop on Friday 1 July for cities interested in applying for the 2019 European Green Capital Award.

    This workshop will give an overview of the competition, the dos and don’ts of applying, and advice from previous and current winners. It will take place at the European Commission in Brussels, and will also be webstreamed.

    The European Green Capital Award is given to the cities that set the highest standards in environmentally-friendly sustainable urban development.

    For further information and to register, please click here.
  • Citynvest - 29.06.2016

    What is standing in the way of financing energy efficiency renovation of buildings?
    What is standing in the way of financing energy efficiency renovation of buildings? What needs to be done in order to carry out energy efficiency renovations on a large scale? These were some of the questions raised at CITYnvest’s event organised in Milan, on 25 May 2016.

    The intense round table debates led to the conclusion that even though a number of successful examples exist all over Italy, and all stakeholders are aware that building renovations need to be tackled, many investment barriers persist. One of the main obstacles is the fact that the Energy Services Market is not yet sufficiently mature in several regions.  

    For more information, visit CITYnvest’s website.
    All photos are available here.
  • LGA annual conference - 28.06.2016

    Only one week to go until LGA conference 2016!
    Our English association (LGA) will be hosting its annual conference from 5 to 7 July in Bournemouth.

    The conference will gather over 1,000 local government players to discuss key issues such as finance, housing, devolution, health and social care.

    Should you want to attend, you can register by clicking here.

    Join the discussions on twitter with the official hashtag: #LGAConf16
  • Social Services in Europe - 22.06.2016

    “The crisis is not an excuse to reduce local autonomy” states CEMR secretary general
    The economic crisis cannot be used as an excuse to reduce local autonomy and self-government” stated CEMR secretary general Frédéric Vallier at the European Social Services Conference on 20 June in The Hague.

    The secretary general was there to speak about the impact of the financial, economic and social crisis on territorial reforms in Europe. He presented the key conclusions of CEMR’s study on Decentralisation at a crossroads – Territorial reforms in Europe in times of crisis.

    Frédéric Vallier concluded his speech by inviting everyone to come to CEMR’s seminar on the do’s and don’ts for big reforms in local administration in times of crisis, from 30 June to 2 July in Bratislava (Slovakia).
  • Local elections - 21.06.2016

    Second round of local elections in Italy
    The second round of the Italian local elections took place on Sunday 19 June.

    Here are the results for some of the major Italian cities:

    Rome: Virginia Raggi (M5S) won 67% of the vote

    Naples: Luigi di Magistris (left-wing independent) won 67% of the vote

    Milan: Giuseppe Sala (PD) won 52% of the vote

    Turin: Chiara Appendino (M5S) won 54% of the vote
  • Gender equality - 17.06.2016

    EU Council conclusions in line with CEMR’s call to adopt a post-2015 EU strategy on equality
    First the European Parliament and now the Council. The Council of Ministers’ decision to press for the adoption of an EU strategy on gender equality is good news as it is in line with what CEMR advocates. It is now up to the European Commission to ensure that gender equality becomes a reality by considering adopting a Communication that reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of gender equality in all EU policy areas.

    This is CEMR’s message following the Council meeting*, held on 16 June, where a package of conclusions was adopted in response to the Commission's strategic engagement for gender equality. CEMR will continue to lobby the Commission to make sure that its proposals to address gender inequalities have the formal status they merit.

  • Urban Agenda for the EU - 08.06.2016

    New guide on the Right to the City for older persons
    AGE Platform Europe has published a guide on the Urban Agenda for the EU and older persons’ rights.

    The number of people in the EU aged 65 or over is set to nearly double by 2060, and 80% of older people in developed countries already live in urban areas. The aim of this guide is to help European cities use the Urban Agenda for the EU to become more age-friendly and be prepared for the big demographic change to come.

  • PLATFORMA - 07.06.2016

    Local solidarity, humanitarian crises, 2030 agenda : PLATFORMA newsletter is online
    The latest edition of PLATFORMA's newsletter is available in English and French.
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