Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Equality of women and men in local life

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  • Equality - 17.07.2015

    CEMR is looking for translators
    CEMR publishes a call for tender for the provision of translation services in the framework of its project on equality. The call is open from 13 to 24 July 2015 and is only available in English.

    The pilot project aims at developing indicators to measure the implementation of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life.
  • European development days - 11.06.2015

    If you missed the panel on gender equality here is a snapshot of what was said
    We are almost reaching the deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and gender equality is still far from been achieved. What have been reached so far and what should be done to overcome gender inequalities worldwide? 

    To answer all these questions, the Observatory for equality and PLATFORMA organised together with UN Women and partners from the civil society, the high level panel “Ending gender inequality by 2030!”, on 3 June. 

    If you missed the panel, you can now read a summary of the discussion.
  • Equality - 29.04.2015

    The Commission launches a public consultation on equality between women and men in the EU
    With this public consultation, the European Commission aims to collect the views of a broad public. These views will contribute to the preparation of the Commission's policy on equality between women and men after 2015.

    The deadline to participate is 27 July 2015.
  • Inclusion - 09.04.2015

    Check out 5 great initiatives for inclusion of women and youth in local government affairs
    These initiatives were selected in the framework of the GENiYOUTH prize of the network of associations of local authorities of South Eastern Europe (NALAS). 

    The five winners are:
    • “Gender Responsive Budgeting and Participatory Budgeting”, implemented by the Municipality of Elbasan, Albania;
    • “Youth Bank”, implemented by the Municipality of Petrovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
    • “Co-creation of social spaces - for youth with youth”, implemented by the Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia;
    • “Gender Equality at Local Level in Serbia” implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities – National Association of Local Authorities in Serbia;
    • “Local Youth Strategy of the Municipality of Ajdovščina”, implemented by the Municipality of Ajdovščina, Slovenia.

    The awards will be handed at a ceremony during the NALAS annual forum, to be held from 16-19 May 2015 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  • French municipal elections - 31.03.2014

    Anne Hidalgo becomes the first woman mayor of Paris
    Anne Hidalgo was elected mayor of the French capital this Sunday 30 March 2014 after the second round of municipal elections. She will hold this position for the 2014-2020 period.  

    Anne Hidalgo is also co-president of our global organisation, UCLG, and president of UCLG Standing committee on gender equality.  

    In the framework of the municipal elections, a new edition of the guidebook Understand the municipal life (in French) was published. This volume is prefaced by an introduction written by our President, Annemarie Jorritsma, and our secretary general, Frédéric Vallier. It presents and analyses the local government functioning in France.
  • Violence against women - 10.03.2014

    The EU agency for fundamental rights published its EU-wide survey on violence against women
    33% of European women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. This is one of the conclusions reached by the study “Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Results at a glance” led by the EU agency for fundamental rights (FRA).
    This survey is the first of its kind on gender violence carried across the 28 Member States of the European Union. It presents the results from interviews led among 42 000 women that suffered physical and moral violence, or stalking experiences.  Based on the results, FRA offers 10 “ways forward” to EU policy-makers in order to respond to gender-based violence.
  • Equality - 25.02.2014

    The Charter is now available in 27 languages
    The European Charter for equality of women and men in local life is now available in Lithuanian.
    We would like to thank the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania for this initiative. The Charter now counts 27 versions.

    For more information, please consult the website of the Observatory of the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local life.
  • Gender equality - 15.11.2013

    New film on gender mainstreaming in local life
    Our Swedish Association (SALAR) has released a new video illustrating how the strategy of Gender Mainstreaming can be integrated into policies at the local level. The video is available in English, French, Spanish and German.
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