Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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News in brief

  • Emperor Maximilian prize - 11.05.2016

    Emperor Maximilian prize awarded to Anders Knape
    This year, the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize 2016 winner is Mr Anders Knape, Committee of the Regions Vice-President, President of the Chamber of Local Authorities of the Congress of the Council of Europe, Vice-President of SALAR and CEMR Executive President.
    For any further information, please contact Ms Cornelia Koessler:
  • Recruitment - 11.05.2016

    Job offer for ​Junior project officer
    As PLATFORMA's junior project officer you will be working with dedicated and enthusiastic colleagues for whom town to town development cooperation is the more efficient way to reach the world’s sustainable development goals.

    The position would be available from 1 July 2016.

    The deadline to apply is 31 May 2016.
  • Local elections - 09.05.2016

    Mayoral elections in London
    On Thursday 5 May, the 2016 London mayoral election took place. The election was won by the Labour candidate, Sadiq Khan, with 56.9% of the votes in the second round.

    The next elections will be held in 2020.
  • PLATFORMA - 04.05.2016

    Habitat III, refugee crisis, CEMR Congress: PLATFORMA newsletter is online
    The newsletter covering activities in April is available in English and French.
  • Covenant of Mayors - 03.05.2016

    How much progress have towns and cities made towards the climate change mitigation target?
    The European Commission has published a report: “Covenant of Mayors: Monitoring Indicators”, which provides an assessment of the progress made by signatories of the Covenant of Mayors towards their climate mitigation target.

    This report is available online.
  • ​Work-Life Balance - 03.05.2016

    Survey: CEMR is to develop a common European position for towns and regions
    The purpose of this survey is to seek CEMR members' detailed views on European Commission proposals for action to address Work-Life Balance. The responses will aid the development of a common European position for towns and regions as well as for discussion at the political level.

    The survey will remain open (only for CEMR members) until 6 May 2016.

    For further information you can contact
  • CITYnvest - 06.04.2016

    Report on CITYnvest’s first 6 months
    CITYnvest has now been online for 6 months. A report has been released on CITYnvest’s first six months, which you can find here.

    CITYnvest helps European towns and regions develop and apply financing models for energy efficiency renovations in buildings.
  • MFF - 18.03.2016

    CEMR advocates strengthening territorial dimension in the CoR’s consultation
    On 16 March, CEMR attended the European Committee of Regions’ (CoR) stakeholder consultation of the mid-term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

    On behalf of CEMR, our Executive Director of European Affairs, Angelika Poth-Mögele, stressed that in order to strengthen the territorial dimension in the MFF review, the CoR’s opinion paper should:
    • Address the issue of the rules of the stability and growth pact and their impact which leads to decreasing local public investments;
    • Make reference to better regulation to advocate for participation of local and regional governments and the CoR;
    • Consider the EU Urban Agenda as a good model to better involve local governments.
  • ​Energy Efficiency - 15.03.2016

    CEMR put forward several key messages to ensure the revision of EU directives
    CEMR attended the high-level stakeholder event organised by the Commission on 14 March. The aim of the event was to discuss the future of two EU directives that are at the core of the Energy Union Strategy, and which are now in the process of being revised: the directive on energy efficiency (EED) and the directive on energy performance on buildings (EPBD).

    On this occasion, CEMR put forward several messages to ensure the right revision of each directive, including: 
    • To maintain a high ambition at EU level to reach energy efficiency; 
    • To involve local and regional governments in all the reviews of the directives and at the early stage; 
    • To allow for flexibility in reaching energy efficiency and performance in buildings; 
    • To assisting towns and regions with the appropriate financial and governance means  
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