Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Position papers

Working time - 28.02.2011

CEMR Response to the European Commission's 2nd phase consultation on the review of the working time directive

Single Market - 28.02.2011

CEMR Response to the consultation on the communication "Towards a Single Market Act "

Environment - 16.02.2011

CEMR Response to the consultation on a future EU financial instrument for the environment

e-Procurement - 01.02.2011

CEMR response to the green paper on expanding the use of e-Procurement

Future of EU cohesion policy - 11.01.2011

CEMR policy paper on the future of EU cohesion policy

EU budget - 14.12.2010

CEMR Response to the Consultation on the EU Budget Review

Governance - 30.09.2010

Message to the 7th High-Level Meeting on Local Governance in the EU

Energy - 15.07.2010

Response to the consultation on the future Energy Strategy for Europe 2011-2020

Cohesion policy - 13.07.2010

CEMR key political messages on Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 Strategy

Rural development - 13.07.2010

CEMR Policy Position on the Future of EU Rural Development Policy


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