Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Position papers

Lobbying - 05.05.2008

CEMR and the European Parliament resolution on the activities of lobbyists in the European institutions

Urban mobility - 07.03.2008

CEMR response to the consultation on the Green Paper on Urban Mobility

Social inclusion - 29.02.2008

CEMR response to the public consultation on the active inclusion of people furthest from the labour market

Waste - 13.02.2008

CEMR's position on the Proposal for a European directive on waste (second reading)

Future of EU Cohesion Policy - 04.02.2008

CEMR response to the public consultation on the future of EU cohesion policy

Sustainable mobility - 06.12.2007

Declaration of Stuttgart on the role of European local and regional governments regarding sustainable mobility

Climate change - 04.12.2007

CEMR's response to the Green paper "Adapting to climate change in Europe – options for EU action"

Energy - 21.09.2007

CEMR policy statement on the EU Energy Policy

Sustainable cities - 25.05.2007

CEMR Response to the European Territorial Agenda and the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities

Transport - 02.05.2007

CEMR's contribution on the public consultation on the preparation of the Green Paper on Urban Transport


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