Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Position papers

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Local Alliance Letter for Commissionners - 13.05.2024

Joint Letter

Energy - 21.06.2023

Electricity Market Design Reform: Enhancing predictability and investment opportunities for local a nd regional climate transitions

COP 27 - 04.10.2022

COP 27 | It is now or never. Territorial leaders in action!

CEMR-Housing Europe joint position - 06.07.2022

Three recommendations for an improved Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

CEMR-Eurocities-Polis joint statement - 22.06.2022

Alternative fuels regulation: bring local & regional actors on board!

Position paper - 08.02.2022

Fit for 55: enabling local and regional climate transitions

Climate change - 01.11.2021

Ready for COP26: Key messages for local-led implementation of the Paris Agreement

Energy efficiency - 22.03.2021

Response to the consultation on the revision of the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD)

Energy - 09.02.2021

Response to the EU consultations on the energy efficiency directive (EED) and the renewable energy rules (RED)

Climate change - 17.12.2020

Preparing for COP26: The path towards implementing the Paris Agreement
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