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UCLG & Global Taskforce

UCLG - 02.02.2017

UCLG commits to build bridges, not walls
Our global association, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), has decided to commit to build bridges rather than walls, between local governments and citizens of the world. Here is their message.

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In the context of the deepening global migration crisis, United Cities and Local Governments calls for the protection of the values that unite us.
Over recent days, many mayors and councillors among UCLG members have spoken out against the fate of the most vulnerable at our borders. Citizens across the world have also mobilized to demand that human rights are protected.
With this in mind, UCLG reiterates its calls on national governments and multilateral institutions to meet their international obligations to guarantee peace and human security. We also call our membership to act whenever possible. Action must be taken to provide refuge to those fleeing conflict or persecution, as well as to tackle the insecurities that have left people with no other option but to leave their homes and look for a better life elsewhere.
UCLG calls on our 250,000 members to unite around their common values and to bridge divisions, to promote solidarity and dialogue. Each local and regional government must play its part to promote a culture of peace and mutual understanding in its own community.
Our world organization commits to build bridges, not walls. UCLG will continue to work globally to promote diversity as a positive and necessary part of an inclusive and sustainable future.
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