Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Climate - 18.03.2005

100,000 towns and municipalities call for G8 and EU action on climate change
An alliance of local governments associations including CEMR have signed a manifesto asking the G8 (the eight most industrialised countries in the world) and the EU to take concrete measures to address the issue of climate change.
The Eight messages for the G8 and the EU : Local government calls for a climate of change manifesto states that local governments must be given the tools to change energy consumption patterns and promote awareness of how people can tackle climate change in their everyday lives. It also includes case studies from England, USA, and France.
The signatories ask the G8 countries and the EU to provide adequate resources and appropriate frameworks for local government all over the world to tackle the problems of climate change.
The document has been delivered to Environment and Development Ministers, at their G8 meeting in the UK, on 17 March 2005.
The signatories of the 8 messages for the G8 and the EU manifesto:
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) brings together over 40 national associations of local and regional governments from over 30 European countries.

The Local Government Association (LGA) represents the local authorities of England and Wales - a total of just under 500 authorities.
The Local Government International Bureau (LGIB) acts as the international arm of the Local Government Association (LGA).
Energie-Cités With over 110 members in 21 countries and representing close to 300 towns and cities, Energie-Cités is the association of European local authorities for promotion of local sustainable energy policies.

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Founded by local authorities at the United Nations headquarters, ICLEI is an association of local government associations.
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