Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Climate - 28.02.2005

Climate Star 2004 awards: 22 European cities honoured for their climate protection projects (25 February, Austria)
22 European cities and municipalities received the Climate Star 2004 award on 25 February 2005 in Baden, Austria.
More than 200 local authorities from 17 countries competed with their most successful climate protection projects for the awards.
The selection process took place in two levels: first the projects were assessed based on the Climate Star checklist and after a panel of experts agreed on the final selection of winners.
Jurors rated projects according to their innovative content, effectiveness and cost-efficiency, and took into account the extent to which activities were integrated within comprehensive climate protection strategies. CEMR participated in the 2nd edition of the Climate Star Awards by being represented in the jury.
The focus of the Climate Star 2004 was on renewable energy sources - solar, wind, hydro, biomass and geothermal power. The scheme aimed to document experience and to draw attention to the role played by local authorities in efforts to protect the environment.
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