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Cohesion policy

Cohesion policy - 05.08.2015

​Do you know how to access EU funding? Our British association provides you with some tips
The cohesion policy represents one of the principal levers for the development of our territories. €352 billion of EU funds to be spent within the next 7 years will allow municipalities and regions to develop projects aiming at improving the competitiveness of SMEs, reducing poverty or investing in energy efficiency in buildings.

However, choosing the right EU fund, funding partners (such as the civil society or the private sector), and submitting the right information to fund these projects, can be often a completely unknown and a time consuming tasks.

This is why our British association (LGA) launched an EU funding guide to help demystify the wide range of opportunities for councils in England, in terms of mixing funding sources or working with other bodies to deliver great projects.

What does this guide propose you? 

Among many other useful resources, the guide offers case studies, useful tips and a glossary of European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) terms.

The guide is available on LGA's website.
Cohesion policy priorities

The new programming cohesion policy programming period (2014-2020) constitutes the EU's principle investment tool for delivering the Europe 2020 goals: 
  • Creating growth and jobs
  • Tackling climate change and energy dependence
  • Reducing poverty and social exclusion
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