Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Position papers

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Crisis and restructuring - 30.03.2012

CEMR-EPSU joint response to the European Commission green paper on restructuring and anticipation of change

EU Strategy for Youth - 10.12.2009

CEMR position on the Communication on an EU Strategy for Youth

Health - 21.03.2009

CEMR response to the Green Paper on the European health workforce (COM(2008) 725 final)

Cross-border healthcare - 20.01.2009

CEMR position on the proposal for a Directive on the application of patients'rights in cross-border healthcare

Migration and mobility - 20.12.2008

CEMR Response to the Green Paper on migration and mobility

Migration - 23.10.2006

Declaration of Sevilla on the role of European local and regional governments (23 October 2006)

Social inclusion and protection - 23.03.2006

CEMR's response to consultation on the evaluation and streamlining of the open method of coordination in fields of social inclusion and social protection

Solidarity between generations - 23.03.2006

CEMR's Response to the Green Paper 'Confronting Demographic changes: A new solidarity between generations" (COM(2005)94 final of 15.3.2005)
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