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Climate and energy transition

City - 02.05.2005

Urban Green Days 2005: Local government's contribution to greener cities
The annual European Commission initiative "Urban Green Days" (UGD) will take place during the Brussels European Green Week, between 31 May and 3 June 2005.
This year's main theme will be climate change. Local governments are key actors in climate protection as they are the government level closest to citizens. Through Urban Green Days, the European Commission acknowledges that without local efforts, Europe's environment and the climate cannot be preserved for future generations.
In 2004, over 250 UGD events took place across Europe. It is foreseen that UGD 2005 will be celebrated in even more locations all over Europe. Each community can celebrate UGD in a manner that best fits their needs and objectives. UGD events may range from field trips in renewable energy power stations, demonstration of energy-efficient electrical equipment, open days with local transport to bicycle rallies.
In addition, UGD events will be presented at the Green Week in Brussels. The Urban Green Days will also have a impact for years to come as the best aware-raising measures will be awarded through publication in a good practice study.
Urban Green Days is a European Commission, Directorate General Environment initiative.
For more information, see Urban Green Days' website
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