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European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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European Climate Pact - 11.03.2020

Share your ideas on how we can all take action for a carbon-neutral Europe
There’s no doubt about it: we all have our part to play in the fight against climate change. Through the European Climate Pact, the EU Commission is seeking to better involve citizens and communities in this global effort.

The Commission wants to know how to better engage everyone - including individual citizens, local governments and associations - on climate change. CEMR is currently preparing a joint response to this consultation, to which member associations will be invited to contribute.

Members can also respond individually to the Commission's questionnaire. All submissions to the consultation will be used to shape the final design of the Pact, which will be launched ahead of the UN climate conference in Glasgow (COP26) in November 2020.

Under the European Climate Pact, the Commission will offer opportunities for learning, exchange, co-creation and collaboration. The goal is for citizens and communities to be inspired to make their own commitments to take practical action.
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