Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Position papers

Cross-border healthcare - 20.01.2009

CEMR position on the proposal for a Directive on the application of patients'rights in cross-border healthcare

Migration and mobility - 20.12.2008

CEMR Response to the Green Paper on migration and mobility

Next Generation Access - 14.11.2008

CEMR Response To the public consultation on Next Generation Access (NGA) networks

Broadband infrastructure - 30.09.2008

The regional and local perspective

Governance - 02.07.2008

Towards an EU approach to democratic local governance, decentralisation and territorial development

Waste - 05.06.2008

CEMR's response to the consultation on the review of the WEEE directive

Sustainable energy - 01.06.2008

CEMR position paper on the directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

Financial perspectives - 20.05.2008

CEMR response to the European Commission's consultation on the financial perspectives of the EU

Transport - 20.05.2008

CEMR position paper on the proposal for a directive on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles

Public procurement - 10.05.2008

CEMR response to the consultation on the review of existing legislation on VAT reduced rates


Zsofia Salamon
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