Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Governance and citizenship

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Governance - 02.07.2008

Towards an EU approach to democratic local governance, decentralisation and territorial development

Financial perspectives - 20.05.2008

CEMR response to the European Commission's consultation on the financial perspectives of the EU

Lobbying - 05.05.2008

CEMR and the European Parliament resolution on the activities of lobbyists in the European institutions

Transparency - 02.11.2006

CEMR Response to the European Transparency Initiative [COM (2006) 194]

White paper on communication - 30.10.2006

Response to the White Paper on communication

Financial perspectives - 15.11.2005

CEMR response to the consultation of the European Commission on external action through thematic programmes under future financial perspectives 2007-2013 - the role of non state actors

Lisbon Agenda - 18.03.2005

CEMR's position on the mid-term review of the Lisbon Strategy

European Constitution - 13.12.2004

CEMR's position on the European Constitution

Governance - 16.08.2002

Convention on the future of Europe

Lisbon Summit - 25.03.2000

Position Paper in view of the Extraordinary European Council meeting in Lisbon on 23-24 March 2000 - "Employment, economic reforms and social cohesion, towards a Europe based on innovation and knowledge"
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