Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Cohesion policy

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Cohesion policy - 02.05.2016

Simplification and cutting red tape in European Structural and Investment Funds

Territorial development - 11.12.2015

An EU Urban Agenda should facilitate local governments’ action on the ground

Transport - 02.05.2015

Local government is key to achieving Europe’s transport system

Europe 2020 strategy - 31.10.2014

Local and regional governments are essential for its shaping and implementation

Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 - 08.11.2013

Towards a new partnership and territorial approach

Cohesion policy - 18.04.2012

Local and regional public authorities to be treated as partners, not stakeholders

Future of EU Cohesion Policy - 30.06.2011

CEMR Position on the role of the European social fund for local development in the future cohesion policy

Future of EU cohesion policy - 11.01.2011

CEMR policy paper on the future of EU cohesion policy

Cohesion policy - 13.07.2010

CEMR key political messages on Cohesion Policy and the Europe 2020 Strategy

Cohesion policy - 20.04.2010

CEMR Statement on Local Development in EU Cohesion Policy
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