Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

Home / Waste management and circular economy / Position papers

Waste management and circular economy

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Biowaste - 13.03.2004

CEMR response to the Green paper on the management of biowaste in the European Union

Sludge and biowaste - 20.02.2004

CEMR Comments on the working document on sludge and biowaste

Waste - 05.12.2003

CEMR Response to the Communication 'Towards a Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste"

Waste - 27.10.2003

Revision of the waste shipment regulation

Batteries - 25.04.2003

The revision of the Battery Directive

Waste - 26.03.2003

Classification of waste : Consequences for Local Government and recommendations to the European Commission

Waste - 13.05.2002

Extend and harmonise the principle of producer liability in EU waste management policy

Electrical and electronic equipment - 02.05.2002

CEMR position on the proposal for a Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Biodegradable waste - 09.04.2001

Biodegradable waste management
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