Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

Waste - 03.01.2010

CEMR position paper on the recast of the proposal for a directive on waste electrical and electronic equipement (WEEE)

Financial regulation - 14.12.2009

CEMR response to the public consultation on the review of the financial regulation

Transport - 10.12.2009

CEMR's position on the communication on a sustainable future for transport

EU Strategy for Youth - 10.12.2009

CEMR position on the Communication on an EU Strategy for Youth

Commercial transactions - 10.12.2009

CEMR position on the Directive on combating late payments in commercial transactions (recast)

Applicant Guidebook - 10.10.2009

CEMR comments on ICANN's draft version 3 of the 'New gTLD Applicant Guidebook"

State aid - 30.06.2009

CEMR Response to the Draft Community Guidelines for the application of state aid rules in relation to rapid deployment of broadband networks

Employment Summit - 13.05.2009

CEMR message to the Employment Summit (7 May 2009)

Health - 21.03.2009

CEMR response to the Green Paper on the European health workforce (COM(2008) 725 final)

Management of biowaste - 16.03.2009

CEMR response to the Green paper on the management of biowaste in the European Union (COM (2008) 811 final)
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