Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Cohesion policy

EWRC 2018 - 01.10.2018

Why attending the largest gathering of Europe’s towns and regions is a must
October is one of the most important months for towns, cities and regions. Not only because of the UN World Habitat Day (2 October) and the World Cities Day (31 October), but also because the main gathering for Europe’s local and regional governments takes place annually during that month: the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC).

From 8 to 11 October, over 6,000 local and regional leaders and experts will showcase their capacity to implement EU cohesion policy, exchange ideas with their peers around the continent and prove the added value of a local and regional dimension in European governance.

This year’s edition will put the spotlight on how to build a strong and inclusive cohesion policy beyond 2020, and the future of Europe from a local and regional perspective. 

As it happens every year, CEMR will contribute to the discussions with several debates. This is our proposal for 2018:  
  • Integrated Territorial approach and collaborative governance to tackle emerging challenges (Tuesday 9 October, 11 am to 1 pm)

Governing in partnership with the multiple stakeholders that make up our societies (academia, private sector, etc.) not only allows our towns and regions to tackle potential challenges, like urban poverty or employment. It can also empower them to anticipate needs and future challenges within their territories. During this event, the region of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain), will showcase several successes achieved thanks to its “collaborative governance” model, in areas such as work-life balance, mobility or ageing population.
  • Delivering Sustainable Development Goals at regional and local level (Tuesday 9 October 2018, 2.30 pm to 4 pm)

The UN Global Goals call for universal positive change from an economic, social, gender and environmental perspective. For that change to come into effect, the action of towns and regions is crucial. Alongside other relevant cities and associations of towns and regions, we will debate the added value of local governments’ mobilisation to achieve the SDGs and how they translate them on the ground. 

  • 10th year anniversary of PLATFORMA (Wednesday 10 October 2018, noon to 7 pm)*

During the event, you will discover how Europe’s cities and regions and worldwide, work together to implement and promote sustainable development.  You will have the possibility to see what PLATFORMA’s partners have accomplished during the past 10 years. In addition, we will discuss together the main challenges facing decentralised cooperation in the next decade. Register today. 

You will also have the opportunity to learn how the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) web tool help cities to localise the UN Global Goals.
  • The Covenant of Mayors community: a governance model for the future cohesion policy (Wednesday 10 October, 2.30 pm to 6 pm)

The Covenant of Mayors brings together local governments, regions, member states, citizens and local stakeholders, which allows to tailor climate initiatives that fit local expectations. The objective of this workshop will be to demonstrate how the Covenant of Mayors framework works in practice, and to inspire the governance of the future Cohesion Policy. 
  • Europe's social future: a local and regional debate (Thursday 11 October, 9.30 to 11 am)

Just last year, the EU developed 20 principles to advance the social rights of Europeans: the Social Pillar. How does the Social Pillar affect local governments? What is their role? Join our debate to discuss the local implications of Europe’s social future.
  • Circular City Portal: a one-stop shop for cities transitioning to circular economy (Thursday 11 October, 9.30 to 11 am)
It would so useful if cities transitioning to a circular economy had a platform to exchange, interact and share experiences with other stakeholders. Well here’s great news: it already exists! Come to our workshop to discover and share your thoughts on the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. How would the ideal portal work for you? Let’s talk about it.

This workshop is co-organised by CEMR, ACR+, OVAM, the European Economic and Social Committee and EUROCITIES.

Registration for the European Week of Regions and Cities is possible until 28 September. If you are not able to attend any of these events, you can also follow the debates on social media with #EURegionsWeek.

*For side events, registration for the EWRC is not required.
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