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Covenant of Mayors

Covenant of Mayors - 19.04.2017

What are your climate and energy needs? Take our survey and win a journey to the EU Sustainable Energy Week
What are your local government’s climate and energy needs?

The Covenant of Mayors Office is conducting a survey to collect your needs, feedback and expectations concerning the initiative.

This survey gives you the possibility to tell the Covenant of Mayors Office about the type of assistance you would like to receive from it, even if your local or regional government is not part of the initiative.

Your answers will help us to provide the capacity-building tools, events and services that better suit your needs, and to define the programme of activities for the next three years.

Respondents that complete the survey before Friday 28 April 2017 will have a chance to win up to €400 towards travel and accommodation costs for the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels on 20-22 June 2017. Do not miss this opportunity!

The survey is available in all EU languages.
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