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Covenant of Mayors

Covenant of Mayors - 06.12.2016

How can you assess your energy action plan? Find out on Monday during our webinar
How can Covenant of Mayors signatories evaluate their Sustainable Energy Action Plans? Find out with RFSC on 12 December at 11am.

This webinar is open to everyone, and is particularly interesting for Covenant of Mayors signatories. It will be the opportunity to present the RFSC (Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities), a free web tool that assists and guides cities and all interested stakeholders in developing, implementing and monitoring integrated sustainable urban development strategies and/or projects.

It will also help explore links between the RFSC and the process of design, elaboration and implementation of Covenant Signatories Action Plans.

During the webinar, representatives from Covenant signatory cities of La Rochelle and Toulouse Métropole will be present. They will provide their experience with RFSC in the pursuit of their goals as Covenant of Mayors signatories.

To watch the webinar, just sign up here, and you will receive a link.
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