Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Climate and energy transition

Climate and energy - 13.09.2016

9.5 reasons to come to the Climate Chance Summit
The planet is heating up at a rate it cannot take, and we all know it. Climate Chance, the climate stakeholders world summit taking place in Nantes from 26 to 28 September, is gathering non-state players from around the world, including local government, that are dedicated to concrete action for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Taking place just months before the next great climate change meeting, COP22 (the United Nations climate change conference), Climate Chance comes at a crossroads. It is a moment to assess how far we have come since COP21, and an opportunity to start discussing a common roadmap for COP22.

European towns and regions are at the heart of climate change issues. It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the last chances we have to sort out our climate – our Climate Chance – and local and regional governments intend to seize it. For this reason, CEMR will be organising no less than 9 sessions at Climate Chance:

1.    Forum on Circular Economy (Monday 26 September, 5 to 7pm)

Why come? Come learn and discuss how a full product cycle approach to sustainability can not only improve waste management in Europe, but also generate growth and create new jobs.

2.    PLATFORMA forum: Decentralised Cooperation & Partnerships (Monday 26 September, 1.30 to 3pm)

Why come? To learn and discuss how town to town and region to region cooperation can bring out the best of both worlds.

3.    Plenary session: Access to Energy in Africa (Tuesday 27 September, 9 to 11am)

Why come? No access to energy means no access to communication, health and safety services, and many other important needs. Learn about the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa - a project that aims to increase the capacities of African cities to provide access to sufficient, sustainable and safe energy services to urban and peri-urban populations.

4.    COOP7 – Innovative funding schemes – Mobilise new resources to leverage cooperative efforts that focus on providing resilient, low carbon developments (Tuesday 27 September 3 to 4.30pm)

Why come? Funding is often the dealmaker or dealbreaker for important projects. Find out how innovative funding schemes can make resilience and low-carbon dreams come true.

5.    Focus: Merger Compact/ Covenant of Mayors (Tuesday 27 September 11 to 12)

Why come? The Compact and Covenant of Mayors, key projects for climate at the local level, merged just a few months ago. Find out what this means for the fight to protect our towns and regions from climate change during this focus session.

6.    Focus: Monitoring of Lyon commitments (Tuesday 27 September, 3.15 to 4.45pm)

Why come? Have non-state stakeholders kept their commitments? At the World summit on climate and territories in Lyon last year, many commitments were made in order to protect our environment. This session is an opportunity to see how far these commitments have been transformed into concrete actions.

7.    High Level Dialogue: Covenant 2030 (Tuesday 27 September 5 to 7 pm)

Why come? Focus on the future: come and discuss how we can all work together for the climate for the next 14 years with a focus on the Covenant of Mayors 2030.

8.    CITYnvest project workshop (AFCCRE side event, Tuesday 27 September, 9.30 to 12.30)

Why come? Did you know that renovating buildings plays a crucial part in the world of energy efficiency?  CITYnvest helps European local governments develop innovative financing models to do just that – come and learn more at the project workshop.

9.    Forum: Multi-actor Governance (Tuesday 27 September, 1 to 3pm)

Why come? Why not? You have read this far, you must have some interest in towns and regions confronted to climate change, right? This forum will show you how sharing responsibilities can help tackle climate issues.

9.5   If you are still not convinced, be aware that coffee will be free.

You can also follow the discussion and share your views on Climate Chance on twitter with the following hashtag: #climatechance. See you in Nantes !
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