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Climate and energy transition

Energy Union Governance - 28.04.2016

The 3 musts for a new collaborative planning regime
Joint statement by the European leading local and regional networks

The leading European local and regional organisations consider the European Union’s Energy Union governance as a key debate. The planning processes need to reflect the opportunities arising with the changes that the European energy system is currently undergoing. These changes require a variety of new actors to be included into the planning processes, and thus both in the development and implementation of the national energy and climate plans. This does not only include increased cooperation among different government levels, but also improved collaboration with a large range of other actors.

Our organisations strongly believe that climate and energy planning needs to evolve to a more holistic and inclusive process. This will allow better linking the different sectors, avoiding silo-based approaches as well as ensuring greater policy coherence among the existing plans at different levels of government. Local and regional actors are the delivery agents of the Energy Union and not acknowledging this fact puts meeting European and national climate and energy targets at risk.

The three musts for a new collaborative planning regime are:
  • A dedicated chapter on multi-level cooperation for energy and climate planning and reporting
  • Co-design of national energy and climate plans by national, regional and local governments in collaboration with different stakeholders
  • Integration of local and subnational plans and reporting frameworks into national energy and climate planning and reporting

The full joint statement is available in English.
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