Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Bordeaux 2010 - 02.11.2010

Wrap-up of CEMR's "Bordeaux 2010: A time to reflect" (28-29 October 2010)
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)'s event 'Bordeaux 2010: A time to reflect" brought together in Bordeaux, France, a number of local and regional elected officials, presidents of national associations of local and regional governments,.members of European Parliament and other EU institution representatives on 28 and 29 October 2010.

The event was organised in cooperation with CEMR's French section, the AFCCRE, at the invitation of the City of Bordeaux and the Aquitaine Region.

The main questions that were addressed included the role of local and regional authorities in the new European governance and the solutions they can bring to European and global challenges as well as how sub-national governments can effectively face the current crisis, all the while adapting their work and supporting their members.

These discussions will notably help feed CEMR's own reflection on its future as an organisation representing local and regional authorities across Europe. In this context, Anders Knape, First Vice-President of CEMR and President of SALAR, and Wolfgang Schuster, Vice-President of CEMR and Mayor of Stuttgart, notably presented their vision for the future of CEMR.

'As local and regional elected representatives, it is our duty to meet with citizens, to remind them how essential Europe is and that EU must find the necessary drive to preserve its social model by linking progress to solidarity and democratic efficiency. Indeed, our commitment to establishing and maintaining a direct contact with citizens has proved to be essential in preserving the values upon which CEMR was founded." - Louis le Pensec, President of the French section of CEMR, former French Minister, Vice-President of CEMR.
The world and Europe facing new challenges - Reflecting on the future of Europe
'Europe is on the verge of a disaster. We have failed to reinforce our economic union. The Lisbon Treaty, however, offers possibilities to increase solidarity from an economic standpoint and we need to develop a political decision that expresses this solidarity. Indeed, with the help of the Lisbon Treaty, we must assert our identity as well as that of our social model." - Enrique Barón Crespo, former President of the European Parliament, President of the European Foundation for Information Society.
Building hope from the ground up
'European realities are not often equivalent to local or social realities. The time has now come to ensure the development of a more just society so as to improve the living conditions of citizens, while remaining conscious of the lack of resources in comparison to the apparent needs." - Alfonso Querejeta, Secretary General and General Counsel of Legal Affairs, European Investment Bank.
'Europe is at a crossroads. The present crisis and the vast and profound series of social changes are leading to feelings of insecurity in our societies. In order to face these challenges of the present, it will be necessary to alter the way we live, consume and produce. A new development model will involve a new model of relations between the state and its citizens - which implies not only the return of central power to local power, but also the return of power to people and communities." - António Costa, Mayor of Lisbon.
'Today, and more than ever, we need the European construction because Europe is no longer at the centre of the world. Europe needs new life, its reconstruction depending largely on the role played by proximity to citizens. My hope is for all regions to be taken into account in European policies as disparities continue to exist. I also hope that the new European governance will increasingly involve local and regional authorities." - Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, Former Prime Minister of France.
Building multi-level governance to define strategies Europe needs
'Focussing our efforts on Europe 2020 is not only a question of coherence in EU action; it is also a question of good economics. In light of the upcoming debate about the EU budget, we must ensure that expenditure is more efficient, European added-value is increased, and implementation is simplified. The size of the budget of cohesion policy will ultimately depend on our collective capacity to convince national governments and critics that the policy has been keeping pace with modern challenges." - Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy.

'Local and regional authorities should not ask what the European Commission can do for them but rather, what can they do for the European Commission to help them. Today, member states want to cut the CAP and cohesion policy budgets, which directly relate to and affect local and regional levels. Local and regional governments should come up with a statement asking not to cut these two policies. The problem is that to save money, you have to cut where it hurts. Member states are cutting back and it is time for the EU to do the same, but in other areas that will be seen as positive to the public eye. It is time for the Commission to send the message that it is making an effort." - Patrizio Fiorilli, Spokesperson, Cabinet of the European Commissioner on Financial Programming and Budget.
'Today, 27 member states -want their money back' but the EU is off on the wrong track if it goes on as such. The European Parliament is to urgently study the issue of the EU's own resources, as the current budget does not measure up to today's needs." - Françoise Castex, Member of European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade.
'Europe cannot simply rely on producing norms. It must go beyond levying VAT and move towards a true European tax. For that matter, French regions are ready to cooperate and to share their experiences." - Alain Rousset, President of the Regional Council of Aquitaine, President of the Association of the Regions of France.
Event pictures are available here.
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