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France - 22.03.2010

Results of regional elections
The socialist-led alliance won with 54.3% of the votes at the occasion of the second round of the French regional elections held on 22 March, according to results published by the Ministry of the Interior.
The governing UMP (Union for a Popular Movement) party received a total of 36.1%, while the far right National Front garnered 8.7% of the ballots.
In the first round, which was held on 14 March, the Socialist Party led with an estimated 29.1% of the votes. To secure a victory in the second round, they forged an alliance with the Green party (Europe Ecologie) and the Left Front.
The left wing alliance have thus gained control over 21 out of the 22 regions in mainland France while the Alsace region, the island of Reunion and the French Guiana voted predominantly for the UMP party.
The abstention rate reached 49%, slightly lower than during the first round (53.6%).
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