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Cooperate with Mediterraneans - 26.06.2008

The Mediterranean goes local!
Give the new Union for the Mediterranean a local and regional dimension - that was the call sent out on Monday from the Forum of over 300 representatives of the towns and regions from the Mediterranean basin this week.
Meeting in Marseille, the delegates discussed the ways of strengthening their role for peace, development and cohesion in the Mediterranean 'space". They adopted a Declaration addressed to the heads of state and government who will meet on 13th July to launch the new Union under the French EU Presidency, setting out all the different issues on which European, national, regional and local need to work together - economic development, the environment and degradation of natural resources, water, health and social integration.
Among the many associations and networks present, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) played an active role. Speaking for CEMR, Wolfgang Schuster, Mayor of Stuttgart welcomed the idea of a new framework to support action in the Mediterranean region, which should include the main active associations as well as the Committee of the Regions. He also underlined the important role of twinning between cities and local governments around the region. [Click here for summary]
Louis le Pensec, President of the French section of CEMR, the AFCCRE, also pressed for national governments to use the local and regional government contribution more effectively in tackling the challenges of the Mediterranean. This must be based on the principles of economic, social and territorial cohesion, and on a real inter-cultural dialogue between peoples.
The meeting was addressed, on behalf of the French Government, by Rama Yade, Secretary of state for human rights. In her speech she critisised the Barcelona process which was launched in 1995 to deepen relations between the European Union and and its Southern neighbours. This conference aimed among other things to identify and underline the reasons why the Barcelona process did not reach the targeted goals (...) But the outcome of the Barcelona process was not as promised: it primarily aimed to help the South, not to launch a real and strong partnership (...) Barcelona is a one-way flow. It all comes from the North. With Barcelona, it is up to Europe to decide. With Barcelona, it is the North helping the South.
The Forum was organised by the Mediterranean Committee of the world organisation, UCLG, and was hosted by the City of Marseille and the Region PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur).
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