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Climate and energy transition

Climate change - 12.01.2006

The role of local authorities in climate change: FEDRE Forum 2006
The European Foundation for the sustainable development of the regions (FEDRE), together with the European Commission, is organising the forum -Climate changes: energy and mobility', from 23 to 27 January 2006, in Geneva.
This event aims at providing local and regional authorities with information in order to help them take environmental aspects into consideration in their work. By this means, the organisation wants to raise awareness on climate change amongst local and regional decision-makers.
During the 5 days of presentations and debates, topics like climate change and the influence of institutional investors on it, electrical power production, sustainable mobility and energy efficiency will be debated.
Speakers will include president of the Congress of the Council of Europe, Giovanni di Stasi; minister for the environment and territorial planning of Algeria and representative of UN secretary-general Kofi Annan for 2006, Cherif Rahmani, as well as specialist in various relevant domains.
Practical information
Opening of the conference: Monday 23 January 9.30
Closing of the conference: Friday 27 January 12.45
Venue: CICG, Rue de Varembé 17, CH-1211 Geneva 20
Working languages : English, French and German
Registration is possible for the whole week or per single day session
For more information on the different sessions and registration; visit the FEDRE Forum 2006 website
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