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Local and regional governments as employers

​International Migrants Day - 16.12.2016

CEMR and EPSU release guidelines on how to facilitate migrant integration
Ahead of International Migrants Day, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and the European Public Service Union (EPSU) present new joint guidelines on migrant integration, with a clear focus on labour market inclusion.

These guidelines, “Migration and strengthening anti-discrimination in local and regional governments”, take into account how important it is to include migrants in the labour market for their general integration in society. 

The document covers all categories of migrants: whether a migrant is a refugee, an EU citizen or a third-country national, it does not make a difference – fair integration is necessary for everyone and in the interest of society as a whole, which means labour market inclusion is too.

The guidelines also stress the fact that integration happens at the local level, and in order to achieve a successful integration of migrants, cooperation between different spheres of governance is crucial: the EU, national governments, and local governments. It is also necessary for local and regional governments to have easier access to structural funds in order to be able to finance migrant integration on the ground. 

In towns and regions all over Europe, local and regional governments as employers, in close cooperation with trade unions, play a relevant role in the inclusion of migrants in the labour market. CEMR and EPSU’s joint guidelines will help make integration work via labour market inclusion – from which everyone can benefit.

The joint guidelines are available in seven languages.
The 18 December was chosen as the date for International Migrants Day because in 1990, the UN adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. As shown in the title of the convention that is celebrated, labour was and still is a central part of the migration issue.

The guidelines were adopted during the plenary meeting of the European Social Dialogue Committee on Monday 5 December 2016. Representing CEMR, the co-chair of the Social Dialogue Committee, Malin Looberger, was present; alongside the representative from EPSU and other Social Dialogue Committee co-chair, Mads Samsing.

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