Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Habitat III - 26.10.2016

CEMR secretary general reacts to the adoption of the New Urban Agenda
The New Urban Agenda was adopted during Habitat III in Quito.

CEMR secretary general Frédéric Vallier made a statement on this topic: "the journey towards the adoption of the global New Urban Agenda ended with the adoption of a text that respects the main positions held by local governments and their associations*. For this reason, CEMR is proud to have represented European towns and regions in these negociations."

Concerning the implementation of the global agenda, Frédéric Vallier pointed out the need to continue in the same direction:

"The implementation of the proposals included in the text will have to be done in partnership with all spheres of governance, from the local to the global level. CEMR will be paying attention that towns and regions' needs are taken into account. PLATFORMA, for its part, will be an essential tool to offer cooperation programmes aiming to guarantee the success of this agenda everywhere in the world."
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