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European Parliament in action - 19.08.2011

Follow European Parliament current events on "The European Parliament in action"
EU citizens can now follow European Parliament current events thanks to a website called "The European Parliament in action", launched in 2011 by Toute l'Europe, which also launched "Tweet Your MEP" in 2010.
The website is composed of different sections designed to better inform citizens about the activities of the members of European Parliament (MEPs) and any related news, including a monthly focus on on-going parliamentary reports and chat-like interviews with MEPs. A number of regularly updated tables are also available to show the progress of draft legislative texts as well as videos demonstrating the key moments of each European Parliament plenary session.
Moreover, "The European Parliament in Action" website provides educational sections, such as a glossary of euro-jargon and information to better understand the working method of MEPs.
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