Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Flood management - 29.03.2006

CEMR to the European Parliament: local and regional authorities play a key role in flood management
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) has sent a letter to the Committee on Environment of the European Parliament asking to take fully into account the role of local and regional authorities in the directive proposal of the European Commission on the assessment and management of floods.
Furthermore CEMR wants to emphasize the need for flexibility at the local level in the implementation of the flood risk management measures. The principle of solidarity, whereby measures taken in one area should not increase flood risks in other areas of the river basin, should be strengthened too. CEMR would also like that double work is avoided: existing national, regional and local flood risk management plans and maps should be fully taken into account.
With this letter to Members of Parliament, CEMR wants to supports the draft report of the rapporteur, Richard Seeber. The deadline for amendments is 29 March.
Flood management is an important issue for many European regions and municipalities, who are to a large extent responsible for the implementation of flood risk management measures (water management, land use, civil protection etc.).
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