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Covenant of Mayors

Green Deal - 10.02.2020

Covenant of Mayors Ceremony: Let's co-create the European Climate Pact
The European Green Deal is a new roadmap for Europe's economy and society to become climate-neutral by 2050. It aims at turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas, by making the transition just and inclusive, and by improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations.

To achieve this ambition, the European Commission will launch a European Climate Pact bringing together citizens, industry, civil society and European, national, regional and local authorities and institutions. The Pact will invite participants to make commitments and take action to reduce carbon emissions at every level of society.

The huge success of the European Covenant of Mayors, with close to 10,000 signatory cities to date, makes it a central force in the fight against climate change. As a symbol of this, the Climate Pact Announcement Event will take place together with the EU Covenant of Mayors Ceremony on 4 March in Brussels.

The event will showcase the richness of climate actions within European society through a participants’ dialogue. All stakeholders will also be invited to provide their input over the course of a 12-week open public consultation.

Practical information

Date: 4 March 2020
Location: Brussels
Programme: Link
Registration: Link
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