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Social dialogue - 18.10.2005

CEMR / EPSU conference on 'Strengthening Social Dialogue in Local and Regional Government in the New Member States and Candidate Countries" , (13/10, Budapest)
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) together with the European Public Service Union (EPSU) held a conference on strengthening social dialogue in local and regional government in the new member states and candidate countries, on 13 October in Budapest.
80 participants from 22 countries and representing employers organisation (mainly CEMR members) and employees (mainly EPSU members) participated in an exchange of information and experience.
The representative from the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Policy, Francois Ziegler, stressed that the social dialogue is a part of the -acquis communautaire' and therefore needs to be implemented in all new member states and candidate countries. He identified a gap between legislation and practise. As the Commission stated in its 2004 Communication on the future of the social dialogue, it is an important tool of governance and therefore needs to be strengthened.
The debate addressed specific situations in the new member states and the candidate countries and raised interest in further activities that could follow the study and the conference. In many countries, restructuring, modernisation and privatisation has an impact on the organisation of public administration at local and regional level. This creates a need to develop skills and to offer training to the staff concerned.
The conference marks the end of a study that has been carried out within the framework of a project, funded with the support of the European Commission, about the social dialogue structure in the new member states and candidate countries. The project aims to encourage the development of social partnership in these respective countries.
The draft version of the study (113 p) as well as a summary of the findings (27 p) can already be consulted. The summary of the findings can also be consulted in the following languages:
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