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​Social dialogue - 26.03.2021

Watch the kick-off event of the project “EU Dialogue, Local Solutions”
To mark a decade of the social dialogue committee and to raise grassroots awareness about the resources provided by European dialogue, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), representing employers, and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) are launching the project “EU Dialogue, Local Solutions”.

You can now watch the kick-off webinar online. You can also read the report here.

The participants included a representative of DG EMPL who presented the upcoming Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights. Social partners from France, Sweden and Spain addressed the issue of the third-party violence and harassment, gender equality, and integration of migrants and non-discrimination.

This project, carried out with the financial support of the European Commission’s DG EMPL will focus on three joint achievements: the guidelines on gender equality guidelines, on third party violence and harassment, on integration of migrants and non-discrimination. 
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