Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Congress of European Municipalities and Regions

General Assembly - 12.08.2013

Call for candidacies to host the General Assembly of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions in 2006
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) launches a call targeting local or regional authorities to host its 2016 General Assembly.

The CEMR Secretariat General hereby invites local and regional authorities, in cooperation with their national association or CEMR section, to submit their candidacy to host the General Assembly to be held in spring 2016. The selected host authority will cooperate with the Secretariat and with the Professional Conference Organiser selected to organise the 2016 CEMR General Assembly, the Congress and Study Centre of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG).

For a full description of the tender, please consult the terms of reference.

The CEMR General Assembly takes place every four years. It brings together around 1 000 or more local and regional elected representatives and experts, with high-level institutional partners, from Europe and beyond. Elected representatives and experts will exchange together directly at interactive round-tables, sharing best practices in a number of specific fields – public services, sustainable development or new technologies in public administrations, to name a few. The CEMR's 2012 General Assembly was held in Cádiz (Spain) under the title "Decentralisation - Development - Democracy: Innovating in 3D".

If you wish to become a host city or region, send your application, in English or French, to the Secretariat General by Monday 30 September 2013.

For further information, please contact Boris Tonhauser by email: boris.tonhauser [at] or by phone: +32 2 500 05 39.

About CEMR

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is the broadest organisation of local and regional authorities in Europe. Its members are over 50 national associations of municipalities and regions from 41 European countries. Together these associations represent some 150 000 local and regional authorities.

CEMR’s objectives are twofold: to influence European legislation on behalf of local and regional authorities and to provide a platform for exchange of information and knowledge between its member associations and their elected officials and experts.
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