Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
European section of United Cities and Local Governments

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Town twinning

Europe for citizens - 19.01.2015

Mark your calendar! The eligibility period for town twinning projects has been extended
Thanks to CEMR pushing for it, the eligibility period for town twinning projects has been extended.

With regards to the 2015 period, town twinning projects under the Democratic engagement and civic participation strand of the Europe for citizens programme may now start on 1 May 2015, instead of 1 July 2015 as previously mentioned.

CEMR is also pleased to see the prominence given to local government in 2015. Indeed, the latter are invited to submit and set up projects addressing the question of the involvement of the citizens in the policy-making processes of EU and the role that local government can play to bring citizens closer to the EU institutions.

For more information about the funding opportunities and the application procedures within the Europe for Citizens programme, please consult the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
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